Welcome, Caelnias. "contact juggling", eh? I have a hard time envisioning NON-contact juggling :-).

As far as lack of artistic ability, two things - first, quite a few of us disclaim any artistic talent at all, but there's even tutorials focused on mapmaking without needing art. Certainly, the artists' work is easier, prettier, or both, but one can make perfectly servicable and pleasant maps without an artistic bone in your body. Second, though, don't sell yourself short. I have a 20 year old daughter who's a stellar artist... and my 11-year-old son complains he can't draw anything - not even straight lines and circles. I keep reminding him that his sister didn't get where she is now suddenly, but by drawing from one to four hours a day for thirteen or fourteen years! I bet even if you don't have much art in your fingers now, you can develop more than you have... pick up a book titled Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, and work through its exercises. It's been in print so long there's scads of used copies available, though I don't know what the availability would be near you.

Indeed, do put your current work up for comment and advice - we're a helpful bunch, and don't bite at all :-).