Wow, thanks for the really informative post! I am not yet in college, so I do not have the school resources. I can, however, buy the books/need things or rent them. *live in the mountains away from big cities * So if there are any suggested materials, I can still get them.

Geometry and trigonometry? Alright then, I'll work on them. Just my luck its on something I'm terrible at! Oh well then, onto it!

If you don't mind a labour intensive solution that gives imprecise results, you could try drawing your world map in a suitable projection, with a graticule (A grid of latitude and longitude lines) and then set up a blank map covering the area of a region you want a map of with a graticule for a suitable projection (say a conic for a mid latitude continent) and then use the two grids to transfer the shapes on the map across. All you need are suitable graticule templates. I've drawin up templates for Normal Mercator and Equatorial Stereographic Azimuthal here and I'm working on a program to draw Equidistant Conic graticules for any particular latitude range for larger scale maps of continents. For very large scale maps, it gets a lot simpler as you can mostly pretend it's flat.
Imprecise results...? How imprecise are they to the other solutions then?

Much thank yous for the link and templates *good job by the way!*, Hai-Etlik! So I would just draw in the continues of the world into your templates (no order?) yes? Or are the more steps?

With this knowledge in mind, then, would it be a mistake to keep my novel's map?

I appreciate all the help!
