hi! i just reached the part of the book when they enter makkathran so thank you a lot for the map! although, there's one thing that's bothering me. unfortunately, i can't post a direct quote here as i'm reading the book in polish, my native language. the thing is that when they pass the north gate it says that on the left there are vast pastures that start here and follow the city wall to the upper tail district - that's the high moat. the same on the right with the low moat running to the main gate. there are a lot of stables and boxes for horses, as well as some markets. along the inner edge of the moats there's the north curve channel with gondolas. i imagined this whole section of the city as a vast green meadow circling the city between the walls and the channel, with the buildings spreading along the walls rather than filling the space from the walls to the channel. edeard can see the gondolas from where he's standing, just inside the city walls by the gate, so there shouldn't be any buildings obscuring his view.