Those are some excellent suggestions, Lukc! You are right, the resolution should be adjusted. I haven't done too many of these before and am still learning. I definately want the map to have some detail when zoomed, especially the text when I add some. I wonder if it is too late to increase the resolution to at least get the next layers in.

The yellowish textures to the west and north represent grain fields, if you look at it closer (perhaps its the poor resolution that makes it difficult) that it looks like wheat. Im not really sure why I went with the red color for the wall, I suppose so I could differentiate it from the city blocks. I can change the wall to black. It may be more interesting for it to be drawn out in a dimensional format.

Looking at maps from others on this site, I am seeing a lot of impressive and inspirational work! Im wondering if I should put in some type of map edge? Torn edges? I don't know.

I should fiil in that empty space with something as well. At least some roads, right?

Thank you for your constructive criticism!!