Egads. I have an addictive personality. And horrid dream sequences.

No. I'm not dreaming of murder and mayhem. No dragons and zombies. No dinosaurs, car chases or nuclear explosions.

I worked on my latest map yesterday. Once I did a little Christmas shopping yesterday and had some breakfast, I settled down for a little mapping with Photoshop.

Wife came home from work at 6:00PM. I hadn't eaten since breakfast. Had been mapping for 7 hours. No biggie. She was dead tired. So after going to dinner, she retired to the bedroom. I mapped from 8PM until 7:30 this morning.

OK. I actually only mapped until midnight.

But that addictive personality, linked with those horrid dream sequences? I was mapping in my sleep. And the worst part? I could never get it right. Mostly because my mapping elements were showing too much repetitiveness and I was worried it would reflect in my work.

I think I need to play some online poker today. Maybe after a bit more mapping.....