
I've been lurking on the forums for some time now, looking at the maps produced by the awesome talent that frequents these forums, gaining inspiration and some knowledge in the process. I find myself coming out of hiding to ask for a bit of direction. Frustrated by the instability of CC3 and unable to afford photoshop, I'm looking to switch to gimp for my gaming needs. I went through the forums looking for a dungeon/battle/floorplan mapping tutorial with gimp that would suggest a number of addons and techniques to use so that I might quickly become proficient with gimp. I ask for dungeon/battle/floorplan mapping because I'm already familiar with the workflow and thought process behind making those maps, and if possible I'd rather not struggle with relearning these things for other kinds of mapping while also learning the nuts and bolts of a new program.

If such tutorials exist, I would greatly appreciate it if someone would point me in the right direction. If not, I'll learn from the awesome regional mapping tutorials I see on these forums for gimp.

Thanks in advance,