I've been dabbling in this map stuff for a bit and it's definitely an exacting gig. I've made some progress, but with my current projects mapping just isn't a priority, though I just purchased Fractal Terrains (shoot me for being a dummy!). Anyway, I'm also in the process of launching Polyhedron Games LLC. The corporation is formed and I'm producing. Trouble is, so far, this has been a one-man show and I'm a one-trick pony. I can write and I'm pretty good with graphics, but I have no artistic talent at all and the learning curve on these cartography programs is quite steep for me. I'm getting some coaching on getting this business going and one of the key points is that I produce. I have planned the publication of The Ertian Chronicles for Spring of 2014, a good bit of it already written. One of the techniques I've learned is to publish a large work in smaller parts, in this case, to issue gazetteers. To do that, I need some cartography. I have a hand drawn map of the world. Eventually, that would need to be rendered professionally, but for now, the need is for regional maps.

So here's the deal. I'm the manager/member, sole member of this LLC. I declared in the paperwork that I was funding it with $1,000. Now, with the expenses I've already incurred, I'm certainly into it for more than that. Now I'd like to recruit at least three other members, one in cartography, one in art and one in layout. Two others might be in editing and one in finance and that would be maxed out. I'm not looking to stuff the membership. Now, I could pay a flat rate for your work (eventually, I'm on a fixed income) but I'm really interested in someone who wants to be part of a new force in the industry. The LLC will not have employees. We will work solely on a member or contractual basis, outsourcing where needed. As a member, you would be recompensed at a certain percentage of the total income of the LLC. You would also have editorial control over the "cartography department." Becoming a member takes an investment of time and talent, though you're free to work as you please as long as we can make deadline (that 2014 date is the only deadline I've set, so far, and it's not set in stone) and you'd need to match my $1,000 in financial investment to the company.

If interested, please email me at gameguru/*at/*polyhedrongames.com. I'll also entertain notions of piece work, but you'll need to be flexible.