Nice map Torq. I saw your early posts on creating the kind of terrain used in the map, and its impressive to see a map with full colors and labels. Keep it up, you keep getting better with each iteration.

Now for the brickbats. Some of the mountains (such as the Grimious Faces) are a bit to "striated" for my tastes. I'm not sure how you would do it, but any method that breaks up the lines and made the range look more "moutainy" would be good.

Also, you might want to think about the transition between the mountains and the flat lands on the map. I pointed out to another map maker that his map looked unrealistic because there were no hills around the mountains, but this map seems to have the opposite problem--the transition is perhaps too much, looking less like hills and more like a smudge between the features. If there is a way to make the hill areas look more "hilly", that would be good.

As for the fonts, the fonts do not look bad per se, but the contrast between some of the land features and the labels on them makes them hard to read. Change the green colors of the labels on the forests to something else (green text on a light green background does not contrast well). Also, you might want to think about changing the yellow text you use for the mountains. I'm not sure if its the size of the text or the yellow color on the black background, but there has to be a better way to display the labels.

You might also wish to brighten up some of the map features (such as the forests, mountains and steppes). I have no desire for your map to look like a cartoon, but some of the features seem a bit muted, perhaps overly so.

A map key in a corner would be good (although given that this is a practice map, its not critical).

Take my observations with a grain of salt Torq. I think you have the beginnings of a great map here, a little refinement and it will look incredible.