I spent most of yesterday working on this. I'm quite obsessive when I get something in my head.

### Latest WIP ###
Click image for larger version. 

Name:	DungeonClue_4.jpg 
Views:	4840 
Size:	170.9 KB 
ID:	41879

All the doors and room sizes are in the exact positions they appear in the original board game. I decided not to have the perspective walls that the board has - which gives the original game a sense of depth - because that is not keeping in line with the traditional style of D&D tactical maps.

Still haven't officially decided what the other unmarked rooms are going to be. I thought of making one a torture chamber but I don't have adequate clip art for that. The Northwest one will probably be a crypt or tomb.

I've been debating whether to leave the lighting glows in it or not, but after screwing with it for a while I think they came out fairly well.

And now it has 100% more gazebo!