How I did it? Why, simple. I took a drafting compass and drew three circles on a sheet of letraset bleedproof marker paper, then I took a 0.5mm letraset pen and drew the coastlines, then I drew the mountain outlines, then I used a 0.3mm pen to draw the rivers, then I used a 0.1mm pen to draw the forests and swamps, then I used the 0.3mm pen again to shade the forests and finally a 0.7mm pen to colour in the mountains. Lines drawn, I scanned the whole thing in grayscale at 300 dpi, adjusted some levels and used a pretty fuzzy brush to shade the coastlines on a separate masked layer of the water surfaces, before applying a half-tone sketch filter to the shading. Finally I added the labels in Trajan with a pretty solid 4px white outline.

I think that was all