The City of the lost (also known as the City of lost souls) is a city built on top of the ruins of an ancient city. It is situated in the midle of a marshy river delta that seems to be covered in fog all year around. In the beginning outcasts (or people that just wanted to be left alone) from the surrounding countries started to move here on secrete paths in the marshland. The whole delta is like a gigantic maze, so noone travels south to the ocean from the north. The inhabitants of the city have rebuildt the port and parts of the city around it, but still big parts of the old city is uninhabited. So people that don't know their way here call it the city of the lost, or the lost city, or if they don't like the lower class people inhabiting the city - The City of lost souls.

Of course som say that the people living there are lost for real, that their souls are trapped in the old city, that if you stay there for too long you can never leave. Some even claim that you can cross over to the borderlands there, a place somwhere between dreaming and the physical world. Some even say that the city isn't part of the Etrakien world at all, that it is the last part of a lost world, and thereby the citys name. But who belives in rumours........