Updated Description of the cities :

Theria :

Theria is situated on the north bank of the South Wyld River along the coast of the Tharoset ocean on the far southwest tip of the Drakewyld peninsula. The city of Theria itself is divided into 'districts' and the only
restricted access is given to the Evgenis district where the King's castle is located as well as the grounds of the college. This area has large open areas of fields cultivated as soft grass and open gardens and is above the docks with 'noble' only access to a southern section of the docks.

The Emporos district is home to many middle and upper class merchants that are not actually of the nobility and the Astegos district is known for housing the poor. The city's high walls surround all of this with the poorest and roughest district outside of the walls against the coast. The roughest part of town is the Varka, the docks district. This is where the poorest people live, deck hands when they aren't on ships, drunkards that really have no where else to go and so on. It is also where the slave pens and slave auctions are held as this is a slaver nation. The normal docks and the royal docks are divided with only access to the former being given to the 'nobles' and the area being patrolled, guarded, and free of hovels.

Camwyn (City of Lights) :

Camwyn is a lot like Vince, it is a city of rivers and canals. It is located on an island in the middle of the Wyn River. The Wyn is broad and deep and the current isn't very fast in this area. There are 4 great bridges from the central city to the shore, two to each side. At the foot of the bridges are small towns that grew over time when Camwyn Island became to full to house anymore people. The richest and nicest houses are near the center of the island with poorer houses along the outskirts and the bridges. The workshops, craftsmen and merchants living in the smaller towns at the foot of the bridges. Camwyn is also a port and ships dock at the southern dock where the Wyn river flows into the Cinder Sea.

At the far north west of town is the large temple of Lights dedicated to the cities patron God. There is a chalice at the center of the temple, which is higher then any other point in the rather flat city, where water constantly overflows in Holy profusion. The canals all flow out from this point towards the south and east and the Cinder Sea. The Wyn River flows south east around the city.

Just south of the great temple is the open air senatorial arena where the city law makers vote twice a year. This area has the only open land in all of Camwyn and there is a great open square between the senate complex and the temple.