Quote Originally Posted by wittyoctopus View Post
Wow, Hai-Etlik, that is excellent advice. I guess my map is definitely showing my amateur roots. Especially since I had to go as far as to wikipedia some of your references just to have an idea about what exactly you were saying. You are exactly correct though, I'm way off with what I've got now. Definitely going to go with the Mercator projection, I think that makes the most sense. I had already considered that this "planet" was going to need to have a generally colder climate, I'm just impressed that you could see that that was the case. Thanks again for the excellent advice, and to anyone else who happens to stumble across this WIP and you see something that could use some fixing, even if I didn't ask about it, please feel free to point it out. Obviously, as my map so glaringly points out, I'm really new at this.
Well, this stuff isn't really glaring to anyone who isn't an actual geographer/cartographer of some sort. Most people in the guild don't pay attention to it. There are a few of us who have some sort of background in real geography/cartography/GIS and we sometime pop up to make some arcane and incomprehensible suggestion about projections, ellipsoids, and graticules.