For myself, I like the 2nd one better. I do not have a problem with the mountain ranges. Earth plate tectonics would have an ancient continent that splits and wanders. And, of course, they "fit" together. But that is here and elsewhere, perhaps different. I would expect more land mass unless it is more of a water world than Earth.

I like the darker colors and that they are different shades. I did not associate it with elevation. Perhaps because you have only a few variations. I would add more shades as the color scheme suggests every place is almost the same. I would add more mountains but I am a tectonics freak.

Two things bother me:
- the color of the oceans - too uniform even though you have depths well done. Your trenches are almost stand alone - usually I think of them as being close to continents.
- the rivers (does this make me an honorary river police?) - at a continental scale, rivers look more straight - yours are too straight for my taste. again, the uniform color bothers me.

Otherwise, the script you are using makes a very nice map.
