Hello everyone,
I've been buidling worlds since my early teenage years, but I abonded every project in the staring phase,
While searching for a way to create a map for yet another world I finally found this site (and guess what, also a lot of Tutorials ).
Following the great turotial by Acsension (also many thank to the Person who tranlslated it to Gimp) my first map that actually deserves that name is now nearly finsihed.

I'm not yet entirely sure for what I'm aiming for with the world I'm creating, but I guess it might end up as a future place for a roleplaying campaign someday and/or a place for some short storys that I've always wanted to write but never have.
Since I'm studying history this will propably be the part of my world that I'll focus on the most.

So after lurking around at this site, I thought the least thing I could do was saying hi and thanks for the help already given .

Also I apologise in advance for the mistakes I'm certainly going to make while using the english language , please feel free to correct me.

Greetings from Germany, nice to meet you guys !