I would use this map for a D&D campaign I am working on.

The subject would be a map of three cities that have grown out to become one city. The three cities names are: Zida, Laveh, and Yoren.

ZIda is a city of broken-down walls and elaborate arches. The oldest of the cities, it wasn't exactly planned, so the roads rambles. It has nothing resembling a comprehensible road layout. There are four distinct districts: the slums, the markets, the university, and the palace. The palace district has mansions of many wealthy people and is located near an outer wall that hasn't broken down.

Laveh is a port town, and as such, it has many docks. The crime rate is strongest near these docks, with the taverns and brothels and whatnot, but it fades to near respectability on the fringes. On these fringes, it has a school and a couple of government buildings. The layout is like what you'd see in many cities; a grid pattern adapted to whatever was there before hand.

Yoren is a rigidly laid out town. The city was designed to be a perfect grid pattern. In the center, slightly to the east, actually, is the federal district. On the edge of the federal district are a few reputable shops, the only of the sort in the city. In the center of the federal district is the castle, which is more of a fort than a palace. Other than the shops and the federal district, most of the city is poor and live in slums.

In between the cities-
In between the cities, the layout just rambles. Any major roads keep on going, but minor roads generally dead-end. Mostly in here it is houses and shops.

All I need is a road map. Anything else is great, so long as it is comprehensible.

Quality & Size-
Again, anything is great, so long as it's comprehensible and in the following formats: gif, jpg, png, tiff, xcf.

Think along the lines of late June/early July. I've just started writing the campaign.

Copyright remains with the artist, though I would like reproduction rights.

Contact villaelisa9 AT gmail.com
