Thanks for all the kind words. Much appreciated!

I just finished a climate overlay, intended to assist in the future drawing (since a lot of the world is yet to be developed!). I'm not very knowledgeable in weather patterns and such, so any help on improving it is more than welcomed.

The reason the climates run from left to right rather than up and down is because the world is flat and the sun is a burning disk being hauled by flaming titans. It used to traverse the sky across the diametre of the world, but after an ancient civilization attempted to catch it and accidentally dropped one of the titans onto the ground, the sun changed its course and now runs sort of tangentially across the right side of the map. Hope it ended up reasonably adapted!

You can click on the map to download the full-size version.

Quote Originally Posted by cereth View Post
Those are some nice landmasses you have there. (Hey, that would make a good pickup line )
Let's get some subduction going on your tectonic plates, honk honk! <Gets thoroughly slapped>