ok - I heard that it was the customers that provided the art so I'll "back down" on that cake

and no, not saying that we should stick with the rules - I say that because the rules are there we have to abide by them, that doesn't mean that we shouldn't try to change them. In respect to pinterest I'm saying that since they protect their own asses (but don't really tell us about it) one should be carefull what one does (as goes for most of the web) so you don't end up on the wrong end of a lawsuit. Especially since many people thinks that "fair use" might protect them but that just isn't always the case. Copyright is strongly flawed and MPAA and the like have lots of money to spend on lawyers and they only want to change the rules to be more restrictive. In addition they lobby like there is no tomorrow :/
Especialy "concept" and "idea" copyright is damaging for development as I'm sure you, as a programmer, agree with. A lot of small businesses don't have money to check if they are infringing on some obscure patent somewhere in a box. A classic case is the one-click-buying Amazon has - which is basicly a customer database ... and the fights between cell phone developers ... oh.. you made a square black phone.. we own that... not to talk about companies trying to patent a color. *shakes head again*