I don't know if it is too lat to chip in but, if it is, here goes ...

Sagabee, me auld shipmate,

Sitting and supping me pipe and fine ale, in the Merry Maiden, a good few moons gone, I chanced to overhear a traveller by name of Irshe Dal Agaba, or so I gathered. He made reference of a new pioneering group of folk up river. Quick thinking as I ever is, I says to meself, "Jordan me Man, they needs a brewhouse t' while away the cold nights and hard labour of the back .... an seein' as there be no temple to ease the soul I culd se to there thirst and occasional victuals."

So after ponderous thought I talked with our mates Doggo, we knews on the Billy Ruffian, 'im bein' a fine Bosuns Mate and finest brawler of the lower decks as to have slung 'is 'ammock in the Petty Officers Mess. We agrees a plan, see, and with our head an' sail prize money we gets t'gether a carts and dunkey and filled it brim with barrels o' small beers, and black strap and grog 'n' all. We chanced 'pon a comely skirt named Thelda, dirty hussy she be, whoes all in to our scheme as she 'as problems with the 'mother' she lives with. We's al set to make a 'stablishment for to men, but upon whenst me sister stepped off the mizzen yard she left me with her bairn. T' barnacle be of marriageable age, but wit' a face that'll sour cheese an' scare dogs. She can fix good victuals though, and knows all 'bout them conwenieces, like, sage, n pepper, n basil, n such. Has to takes her along, as I wouldne want a ghost more fearful than t' norm as to following me round. We should be able to set a nice table with victuals an' grog. The hussy will see to t' mens itches, n' keep me warm at night.

Iw rittings to you, me mate, as you owns the Pirates Plunder down river and we's could work out trade of grog an' the like. Yer regards, Jordan, Quartermaster of the ol' Ruffian

As a passing cloud, Doggo says to tells you to pull yur shrouds to the winds and if yer says Danny Fisk, our auld monkey (ships boy) to sends im our way as is dad were a brewer an the mite can turn his 'and to mead an' grog, if we gets the rite 'grediaents.