Hi jbgibson, thank you very much for your in-depth reply!

I'm also satisfied with the second version. I think that textures and colors work just fine. Haven't decided the margin yet, but that will come.

Meanwhile I'd like to stick on your advices. You're right, the scale is not correct. I will try reducing the size of the trees texture and brush.
I agree about the rivers too. I reproduced the original map from a videogame, but it was in calligraphic style, and I think I made the map too small. The reliefs in the north should be a huge mountain range, I think. It's hard to say 'cause there was no scaling meter. I think I will draw it again from scratch trying to keep a coherent scale, and revisiting when necessary to keep realism. Speaking of which, I will smudge those lava cracks a bit and see what happens!

Honestly, I don't know if I'll actually use this map. I'm just practicing for now. Then my long term project is a full world map that I'd like to use for a novel series. And, besides, it's fun!

Thank you again for the feedback and rep! I swear I didn't expect that! :O
And I accept the challenge. I'll make it better. I'm here for that!
I hope to have a new sketch soon!
Happy mapmaking!