Thanks for all the replies! I've been somewhat busy with family members and the hospital, so have not re visited this forum for a long time. I have, since my original post here, purchased Photoshop CS 6, the stand alone version, as I think their subscription program is in my humble opinion, a lousy deal! I can deal with having no updates so my version of CS6 will serve nicely! After is a heck of an improvement over my ancient PS7 version, and I managed to get it at my Best Buy for less than half of retail, saving almost $400! I have Gimp..but have a lot of time invested in Photoshop.
I also have a medium size Wacom Tablet. Had the full size Intuis 4, but found it was too large to handle working with my laptop in my recliner. LOL! Besides..the 12x12 also has wireless capability which untethers me from the USB.
Look forward to getting back to the forum now!