Also it's good to remember that any feedback even negative can be a good thing. If nothing else it can make you take a more critical look at your work and check yourself. Most people do not like to just rain harshly down on someone else so be thankful they were interested enough to bother typing anything up. Of course, there are always some trolls who just love to have some drama in life due to their co-dependance.....ignore them because they could never take any negative criticism for themselves anyway. They need professional help and they certainly won't get what they really need from the internet.

Whenever I attempt to give a critique I try to look at it from the standpoint of what would I like someone to point out to me if they saw it in my work. I really appreciate the efforts here at the Cartographer's Guild to help one another grow as artists and I would hate to see that go away. Just do the best you can giving critiques and remember that most of us here are interested in seeing every single poster improve and grow so we can have even better stuff to look at in the future. Always offer positive points because if nothing else at least they were willing to share something with you.

Sometimes it stings a little but that's just how it is and there is no way around that. If we didn't have an ego it probably wouldn't even be an issue so learn to control that part of yourself. You don't have to agree but there is no point in starting a flame war.