I haven't yet come up with the word that I want to use, but I think that we should just call it "The _______ Lands"

Let's remember, the project is (currently) only one small portion of a very big world, therefore IMO there is no need to name the world itself. We should just name the region that we are mapping.

EVERY different culture on the planet will have a different name for the world. Picking a name in such a world would mean that we pick the name that ONE of those cultures uses, which then elevates that culture in importance (otherwise, why would we have chosen their name over the others?).

Back to what I said at the top, I think the name should be a simple adjective that captures the feel of the world in its present form. Since we don't really know what that is yet, we should just leave it blank. Therefore, I propose, for the time being, "The (blank) Lands" or "T(b)L" for short. Once more of the world is fleshed out, we can replace (blank) with something that is truly meaningful to the setting.

Just my deranged two cents...