I went through the process of making a world similar to Earth a while ago. It's not posted here 'cause I only have the landmass outlines for now, but it came out quite good.
This is the method I used:
- First of all, draw by hand if you can scan, it comes more natural (at least for me).
- If you see the real world, you can recognize 5 great landmassess (North America, South America, Europe/Asia, Africa, Australia), so draw 5 shapes of different sizes.
- Now cut them with scissors and rearrange on another A4. It's like art attack, I know, but in this way you can rearrange shapes as you see fit (for example, I have my Europe/Asia landmass where South America should be).
- Now you just have to add small details and, where necessary, merge continents with small tongues of land (as Mexico).

The trick is to draw convincing shapes in the first place. They don't have to be harmonic with each other, as tou can rearrange them afterwards. And you can play with your shapes to get what you want, or also put in more shapes or change sizes.
Hope this helps! Happy mapping!