Quote Originally Posted by jbgibson View Post
I don't have any Gimp answers, but I can maybe help you get them - specify what level of detail you need, and what you're using the cities for. Encounter maps would be different from what would go on a 1:25000 area map. Me - I can tell you how to put city dots on a world map, but I bet that's not what you're going for :-).
When I return to Midgard (a created world I did in one of my stories), I have plans to be specific to Taerak, Elmwood, and two other cities. If I gave numbers, you can help me out, i hope.

Village/City = (Current Population)
Taerak = 235
Elmwood = 58
Dwarf City = 524 (unnamed, FYI)
Coldwind = 64