The rivers look a lot better now, but try shifting the rivers to about 60-80% opacity, they might work better that way.

I am now going to impart a bit of rare and mysterious lore: to red-green colour-blind people (app. 5-10% of human males) red text on green background looks a) invisible or b) smudged or at least c) quite illegible. To me, red on green just bleeds into everything and it looks utterly, well ... it annoys me no end. The problem is that my "red" photoreceptors are shifted towards the yellow and green parts of the spectrum, so I don't see red that strongly.

Anyhow, red and green are highly contrasting colours and it is a good idea to avoid them, because visually they tend to produce a fuzzy edge, a "bleed" effect, to the human mind - unless you're going for that. Maps generally do not go out of their way to be clashing and visually "arousing" in the sense of making people feel uneasy.