HEY. Any time I hear something that sounds a bit like "These aren't the droids you are looking for. Move along" I am naturally drawn to look, and closely :-). Besides, a number of us Guildsmen do speak French (for me I should rather say I READ a little, and understand very roughly...) And for the rest, there is of course approaching your site through Google Translate :-).

Does "to retcon" have an equivalent in French? Retroactive continuity. I.e. to add material to a backstory to permit desired present and future events? If one has a flexible imagination it may take only tiny tweaks of past history to accomplish one's goals; since a game world is inherently sketchily detailed, betimes it only requires adding bits that really don't even change history.

Sixteen thousand messages on the game board? Yes, you have well illustrated the fact that the map has a great deal of background- and understandable some of that will be unchangable. i just look on a fixed set of constraints as a huge opportunity for creatively engineering the solution I want. "Make a dessert" is not so great a challenge. "Using this flat lite beer, these nineteen chili peppers, and this ostrich egg, create a dessert to present to these four judgemental, skeptical, and jaded cordon bleu chefs. You have twelve minutes. Go." Now THAT's a challenge :-)