@Fury - Bogie is right that we tend to have blow outs when there is only one vote. That's why we like it when there are a lot of entries, so we get more votes. It could be just one little thing that captures the eye and that piece gets all the votes. It may only be a tiny bit better than the rest but that's all it takes.

Also, just in case, I didn't think your entry was "a cut and paste" and sorry if I gave that impression. By the same token I did not mean to infer Bogie's was either. It takes a certain skill to use layers correctly to pull that off and it is something that has taken me quite a while to get down myself. I think everyone in this community likes hand drawn/painted stuff over cut/paste.

I don't think you are offended or anything but maybe I can explain myself a little better:

What I meant by my comment regarding the shapes on your piece was that I found them harder to see. Now maybe it's my crappy eyesight or the settings on my monitor but the base shapes seemed more of a background to me. My critiques on these things are just little nit picks because that's the only way I can get myself down to one vote. I feel it's only fair if I can share what went on in my mind while determining where I cast my vote because otherwise there is no feedback. I have lost a bunch of these challenges but the only times I really learned anything about how my stuff was coming across was when someone actually explained what pathetic excuse they had for not voting for me

At times I have felt frustrated that the feedback didn't come until after the fact but I understand that sometimes life keeps folks busy and they may only have analyzed things when it was time to vote. I guess late feedback is still better than none, eh?

One of the special things about your picture is that I feel it's the only real science fiction entry in the lot.

I expect you will get a lot more rep in the days to come and as the challenge voting ends. I sure hope to see more of your work in future and that goes for all of you.