Wow, lots to think about there lukc! I agree that they're quite spidery. I am hoping if I fill in with more mountains between the ridges that it will change it and be quite as spidery, but more full, if u know what I mean.

Hills AND valleys. Yeah I didn't even consider attempting to make valleys in the hills. I will have to find a tutorial or something how to indent rather than raise the land and see if I am able to incorporate w the hills.

Also, the rivers are missing currently I am going to be adding the rivers soon, there is definitely rivers that might change the dynamics of it.

The area where the "frozen lake" is I would say from the west to the east side of the lake it is about 20 miles (to get an idea of the scale).

The mountains are definitely more of a harder rock, intended to be to have more jagged peaks and etc.

I will post a pic of the map I am working with because i am trying to replicate it to scale the best I can. So you can see what I am working with. I believe the mountains are the toughest part to do, but I feel like i got a good start on it do far.