I think it looks pretty good, the mountains might be quite spidery and you could use a bit more variation in the ridges - not every ridge has to stretch the whole length of the mountains! Also, if you look in nature, ridges often follow folding events, so you end up with parallel chains of mountains, cut apart by rivers, rather than spiderworks of mountains going in all directions.

The same thing happens with hills, so it's a good idea to think a bit about the geological processes behind the hills and mountains as you paint them - are they the result of tectonic collisions, volcanic activity, old eroded mountain chains, rifting, subduction, things like that ... next, think a bit about the kind of geology you have, the kind of stone, since it can result in different looking mountains and hills. Soft, layerd sedimentary rocks, for instance, might result in high plateaus carved by canyons, while harder stone will result in more spiky, jagged hills.

I would add a few more distinct valleys to the hills as well, because hills, just like mountains, get shaped and cut by water.

There - a few comments

Oh, also the final colouration of the map will definitely impact how it looks.