Thanks to all for the welcome, and for the link to the tips! And thanks in particular to the specific feedback, jbgibson!

The Dahla and Kievaln dry up because of heat -- is there a better way to map that? Or is it so uncommon or unlikely an occurrence that I might need to reconsider it? The land is supposed to be cursed and desolate, all trees petrified and such.

Settlements I'll definitely change. Somehow that didn't seem abnormal to me, but now you've pointed it out, I definitely agree. Check on the less meandering upper rivers, as well. Rivers have been a challenge for me to figure out, so I'm happy for the advice.

The peninsulas with rivers and the claw-foot deltas are supposed to be bayous. They're the result of me comparing historical maps of Louisiana with satellite imagery, trying to make sense of how to map such an area. I'm not set on what I've got, especially since it hasn't done well at being recognizable as a bayou.

The central lake is supposed to be in an area like southern Utah, based specifically off of Lake Powell. I'm going to make it more narrow, and draw in canyons, once I find a favorable way to do it.

Thanks, again! I'll post progress as it's made.