Thanks for the replies! Fox Lee...I wouldn't say that intuitive is a 'problem.' I just had the wrong expectaitons with CC3. I think I realize now that In order to make some real quality maps (such as my limited abilities might allow) will take lots of work and patience. I thought, perhaps, that CC3 might allow for some you've got a great looking map...kind of work...I was expecting a quick turnaround on map creation...but that would just have resulted in sloppy maps...I ended up using hexographer because it allowed me to produce a practical map for my campaign and I was able to throw it together in a reasonably quick timeframe. I'm just not satisfied with it 'artistically' and I'd love to make something that I'm proud to look at. Looking at some of the work here on the guild is definitely inspiring. I am not familiar with photo shop at all...never used GIMP either...In fact...I've only ever drawn maps by hand up til now. But a month ago I had never heard of CSS and now I'm putting together a site over on the Obsidian'm pretty sure I can learn... I have to refer to my self as a "gimper" if I go with about a gimpy...or just a I gimping while I'm at work? ...ok sorry...getting carried away...thanks again!