well well

two years later..

lengthy story: been coding since '81, been struggling with windows for god like 16 years.. wireframed in 09.. i hope other people don't suffer from my issues..

online resources for graphics coding have fruited in the most remarkable way since the '00s.. i probably don't need to tell anyone this, but dang, compared to a decade ago, the amount of blogs, forum posts et c. has really changed the game. difficult concepts are now interpreted from dozens of vantages so it's usually easy to find someone who can explain things in a way that is intelligible.

wireframed in '09.. waldronate gave me some big hands up here.. earlier this year i was doing whatever i do and suddenly realised that opaque triangles really are not a significant concept leap.. it took me 5 years, but in some tutorials the conceptual leap is a paragraph or two..

i'd thought about coming back here and starting a "links" thread, but such references are ephermal and given the current rate of increase in resources, would be a waste of time.

inigo quilez's page was a big help for me.. enough that i could grasp the marching cubes algorithm from there.
Iigo Quilez :: fractals, computer graphics, mathematics, demoscene and more

no clue when i'll specifically work on maps again.. my sphere gen was extremely slow but further experience has introduced a few more effective algorithms (like using "fast sine osc" algorithm to replace sin and cos ops with two multiplies).