to show that im still working on this... a snap of some quick mountain/tree sketches to try and figure out a style im happy with. I'll keep on trying...

note the dead trees; horsetails (those crappy oddly stacked-umbrella-like-things under the trees) and the mesas... Elyden is a dying and harsh world so im trying to convey that with these. im also thinking of making the map look more hand-drawn and as such have applied brush spatter effects to most lines and will probably be overpainting the land outline and rivers too. ill probably draw up a few A4 sheets of mountains, trees and other features and scan those for use as brushes on the map.

Im not sure whether or not to keep this sketchy look ar to at least try and refine them a bit (maybe with a fine liner pen?)
C&C please!

Edit, added another WIP pic