Quote Originally Posted by Robulous View Post
Great artwork but I'm afraid I really don't like the font, mainly because it's hard to read.

From a physics point of view it seems extremely unlikely that a tidally locked world could support life, mainly because on one side the atmosphere would literally freeze and precipitate onto the ground (eg the dark side of tidally locked Mercury has gaseous ice deposits, even though it's so close to the sun), and on the sunward side all the atmospheric water would be stripped away. Even if this wasn't the case, there wouldn't be sufficient plant and animal life to maintain a balanced atmosphere with oxygen and CO2 suitable for human life.

But it's a nice fantasy idea - perhaps the habitable zones are protected by a kind of magical barrier? How would their society have evolved to live in constant twilight?
The story of the world, or more precisely the worlds, is that in the beginning the true god created the real world Elimo. To help him in this project he created seven smaller gods called Archonts. They all betrayed the true god, killed him and created seven worlds of their own from the true gods body, one for each Archont. But the Archonts couldn't create life themselves so all their creations and everything there in where just bleak copies of the original work. In all the seven worlds the finest creation where the humanoids that the Archonts created as copies of themselves, just as the true god had made the lightbringers in Elimo as copies of him. But the copying of entities from the original world made cracks in the creation and the borderlands where created, a space of nothing and everything that exist between the worlds. Through the borderlands the humanoids learned to travel between the worlds and in the end it lead to the great war between the Archonts and their creation. The war ended with the fall of the archonts and the humanoids civilisation and the whole creation was threatened to follow down the same road. But the Lightbringers from the original world left their home and went to all the seven worlds and healed them to the cost of never being able to return home. But they couldn't completely heal them, all seven worlds are still more or less scared. Thrallion for example has one side of the world burning and the other frozen to ice in eternal darkness. So in my fantasy settings there isn't really any tidally locked world, the inspiration just comes from it