Bump! We are still looking for a cartographer. I am positive someone will take interest in MMX. Please do not hesitate to ask me any questions!

And here is a short excerpt from our story:

The Reckoning

The Reckoning was a cataclysmic event that resulted in the destruction of the planet Enroth. It was caused by the collision between the Sword of Frost and Armageddon’s Blade, which clashed together and brought about massive earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, and deaths across the planet along with it. King Kilgor the Barbarian and Gelu the Elvish Ranger wielded these two blades and were incinerated by the magical energies released, which is said to have been powerful enough to make the Ancients shudder. As the structure of the planet of Enroth was collapsing, magical portals opened and countless refugees fled through them to another world, escaping the cataclysm and leaving their old lives behind. The new world was known as Axeoth.