Heyho King Alamar

How's the status on your available jobs?

I was working on my website a few minutes ago, placing an old article about a map-making thingy into the new HTML5 code and so I thought of your project and that you were looking for a cartographer.

Well, I made that account here now but can't pm anybody before I've made 5 posts. ^^
So here's a short kind of application:

I am absolutely no professional, I'm a noob at geographical things, especially maps and my english is bad. But I am crazy enough to write here...

Ok, honestly... I'm modder for singleplayer games working within toolsets, I normally do this alone without a team, but this always takes years to finish. So I made one of my crazy decisions and now I'm here to maybe help you out as noobish cartographer (if the professionals don't want to).
As modder who works mostly alone I can make nearly everything what is needed to create an own adventure, except real programming and hand drawn pictures and... some things.
I don't want to make more advertisement for myself here (it's my first post ), so if you still need a cartographer just let me know.