The test version of our Vintyri (TM) Symbol Set 2 for CC3 now is complete. (See my earlier message above.) We've added:

1. A catalog of base buildings with wooden shingle roofs.

2. A catalog of general buildings with wooden shingle roofs.

3. A patch file that restores five missing outhouse and woodshed symbols to the catalog of general buildings with light beaver tail clay tile roofs.

The Vintyri Symbol Set 2 consists of 15 catalogs. with a total of 343 raster symbols at 442 MB. In addition, there is a temporary installation guidelines booklet available which is important to read before installing, critically important if you have City Designer (TM) 3. We'll replace it later with better quality documentation.

If you have comments, criticisms, error reports, etc., we're thankful for your input.

The symbols have the three basic CC3 resolutions very low, low and high (VL, LO and HI). The fourth resolution, very high (VH), will be offered as a separate download after testing is completed. (The smaller miscellaneous objects and structural parts catalogs already include symbols with VH resolution.)

The VH symbols will involve a download of about 2 GB. For that reason, we decided to do as ProFantasy did and offer the three base resolutions in the basic download with the download of the VH symbols as an option. We will release the VH symbols once we have a final product. I have no idea when that will be. We now need feedback from CC3 users who actually make some maps with these symbols.

The catalogs are in separate download groups so that you can take only what you want. You also can view the complete catalog content online before downloading. Everything is released free for personal and commercial use under the Open Game License 1.0a. To download, go to:

and follow the link at the top of the page.