Quote Originally Posted by Larb View Post
It looks like (1706) Calamocha is too minor to get a proper translation (though it seems where was a battle there in the 1100s). I cannot read spanish though (I only know a bit of french and latin) and I suspect online translators would do a terrible job. I wonder if the minor battles of things like the wars of the roses and such are also brushed over too by non-english historians. You can only translate so much, right?

A translated summary would be great though, I am a big history fan and mainly would just like to know the context of your fabulous map.
Then, I understand you consider better a full traslation more than a summary. Well, I wait to be able to make it properly, give me time.

The battle you do mention in 1100 must be the Battle of Cutanda: Cutanda is a little village near Calamocha that has a castle.
I think is very interesting the matter about languages you have mention. In a begining I learned french and latin too, but it changed to english halfway through. I was doubing to put the links and sources in spanish knowing it would be impossible for me to traslate all, but at last I thought would be worst to not put them.

I mean minor battle, the one that is not decisive in a campaing. This battle was the result of a "distraction" movement from Zaragoza to take off presure of enemy siege army over this city.