Awesome it worked, much easier then I thought it would be. Ok the run down, I know it doesn't look like much, my first original was much better. I had individually drawn tiny trees for what I wanted to be old wood forests but that map took me nearly 2 weeks to draw and another few days to properly colour. Once I find it I will post it as well, this one however only took me an hour so I will explain. The fluffy cloudy looking things are the forests, the 3 small lines joined together are the swamps, the 3 not joined symbolize grasslands/rocky plain based on location. The empty voids minus the big one in the center are lakes where as the big one is the desert. The stars are cities, triangles towns but I stopped drawing them as I plan to rearrange as few on the final copy. Speaking of the final copy the continent covers roughly only 65-70% of the world, I want to have a larger ocean as well as both north and south pole land formations as well as small islands doted around at a few select locations. So this is by far not the finished copy.