Not sure exactly where that sticky is, I am still fairly unfamiliar with this site. I have been bumbling my way through, however I have found a few styles that I really like but I don't want to influence any decisions from others who are willing to help me out. I want pure imagination, no interference....if that makes any sense.
If I had to make any guidelines then they will go as follows.
-super continent
-massive desert at its center with an oasis city in the deserts center
-desert and surrounding areas walled off by impassable natural formations except for shorelines (except to the desert, all areas have natural passageways)
-variety of coastline, island, and land formations/types based on geological locations (believable as if it were an actual planet)
-cities, towns, villages, etc. can be placed but no names (the same for locations and countries)
That is my list, but as I said the only must is the desert. Thank you for your time and patience.