I like it. I have been using the Thorez for my in play ship for years and now at least I have a real 2300AD replacement. Travellers artificial gravity is just too normal for me, I like the alien and odd feel of having to worry about the gravity while on board the ships, in Traveller it is just an enclosed group of rooms, with potted plants and all, but not with 2300AD.
Overall I like the ship and will agree with GJD about the compartmentalization. I think Colin had created a pretty neat and viable cutter or patrol ship some time ago, it had more the feel of the Eagle from Space 1999, but that would be the military for you, the Clark is more of a showpiece with a different mission all together so the look is fine.
Now the Aconit is a different matter, looks like it would be a flying brick, but what do I know, I just look at the pretty pictures.