Sorry, I'm one of those Facebook averse types.

I think you misunderstand what Creative Commons licenses are for. They are public licenses intended for allowing everyone to redistribute a work. Now, it might be that you want to let your readers copy the map freely, but I don't think that's what you're after. is more typical of "I want my fans to play with it" type licensing.

So what I think you mean is that you (or more precisely your wife) want license to copy without royalties it but not make changes. That's pretty typical for commissions like this. Keep in mind that it means that if you want to make a new map or make any changes, you have to either get a new license to do so, or go back to your source material and ignore the first map.

With all that out of the way I'd be interested. My style is somewhat different from what you linked to but I favour clear black and white which works well in print and on e-readers. You can see examples at these pages:

Cost depends a lot of the details.

You can contact me by email: Domain name: Username: smithkm