I haven't tried your script but it seems to be working pretty well based on the sample pics. I am using either 8 or 16 angles in mine too. If the pattern is pretty symmetrical then I do two light sources at a time but if the pattern is different on different sides of the roof then I go with the 16. In my city block renderings I discovered that you cant see any detail anyway so for overlapping tiles there's no point in doing the full 16. Still in a quandary about how to actually make the most from these scripts tho. Really its better to texture each house one by one and stamp them down and just use the shading for getting the sun angle and shadow right. For thatching and tiling complex shapes its the mutts nuts but for doing a whole city in one go it seems less effective. We still need an auto generating way of getting height map buildings into a drawn road mapped mask - then I think the thatching et al scripts would be very cool.