Here's something Jonathan McAnulty, Kaidan's lead designer/author posted on the Kickstarter comments page - I thought it worth repeating...

Those who read the latest update know that we are offering our $40+ contributors free Kaidan adventure scenarios, featuring adventures I have written for convention use.

I thought I might say a word or two about these to maybe entice some to up their pledge.

The first free adventure, the one we are, for certain going to give to our $40+ contributors, is entitled, "Up from Darkness," and begins with the line, "You awaken in darkness..." It is somewhat a homage to A4: In the Dungeons of the Slave Lords, but is also fully its own scenario.

"Up from Darkness," is a solid one-shot adventure which will take 4-8 hours to complete. It features some fun, non-standard PC mechanics to simulate and showcase what I think is one of the truly unique aspects of the Kaidan experience. It is, in my opinion, the best one-shot I have written to date, and those that played through it all enjoyed it immensely. Some of the quotes from those that completed the scenario include, "That's just disturbing!" (my wife said this after playtesting), "But I don't want to be evil any more!," "Ow, My Brain! My Brain! It hurts!" and "Well worth the price of admission!" One of the funnest parts of the scenario is that it allows the GM, guilt free, to savagely and repeatedly kill the PCs. And that's all I'm going to say about that...

If we reach the $7000 mark, the scenario we release is entitled, "The Tolling of Tears," and is a mystery adventure featuring ghosts, ghouls, and a cursed temple-bell.