A complete map would be a Simulacrum of the thing it depictures, becomming the thing itself, or we are already in a society in which we move throught systems of Simulacra, unable to handle real things anymore.
A Rolex, an expensive car, a career Job, a house, this all things become unreal a long time ago, they become a simulation of a status, which in itself is imaterial, a consent from fixed time and cultural group about what's Worthness.
Well I am mixing up these Demiurge Story, with Systemtheory, Simulation term of Jean Baudrillard and the earlier texts of Michel Foucault about the Heterotopy; that places can ahve a set of rules, making them sideplaces seperated from what is the ordinary world. they can be Governentbuildings, Mental Hospitals, Schools, or Phantasy Worlds, all places with a set of rules which distinct them from the "normal" Space.