Gotten a little distracted away from this one at the moment (doing two Guild challenges and doing maps for my DnD game), though as this dungeon will feature in my campaign I will have to continue it soon As mentioned the colour pallet there is just thrown up and isn't necessarily the final colours, not sure what I'm going to go for yet, but I do plan on it being a very dark and somber place with a history of death and sorrow so hopefully the lighting is what will make it.

I don't doubt there is a texture out there for the brickwork, but I really try to avoid tiled effects where I can and so would sooner give the image the time and effort of an illustration than the quick and easy route I'll take shortcuts where I can get away with them, but I don't mind painstaking work on the details as when I look at the final product I feel that much happier that I went that way from the beginning instead of trying to go fast and loose!