Thanks for the kindness folks!

I used Adobe Photoshop CS5.

It's just a world I made for the hell of it really. I've been reading a lot of history lately, and I've had all sorts of potential story ideas because of that, decided maybe I could use it for something along those lines.

I started out by doing the basic shape of the continents in my sketchbook, then I took a photo of that and did the outlines in Photoshop with a small brush. I looked up some tutorials on here and on google for a lot of stuff.<-- i used this guys tutorials for making the mountains and the grassy/foresty areas. I found them quite useful.

Essentially the grassy/foresty bits are just a pattern stamp of some moss, with a small scattered brush that's been slightly beveled. Afterwards I went over it with a green brush, overlayed the layer so it just added colour to the land to give the tree's and mountains more umph. This offered the mountains especially more depth, as the darker shadows really picked up on the green overlay. The mountains were quite time consuming but I think the overall outcome was definitely worth it. I started out with mountain brushes, even tried to make some of my own, but I wanted to go for a more realistic finish, also once i noticed the scale of the map i was making, a more satellite view seemed appropriate. I also used a variety of sand and paper textures to give it a more rough and weathered look.