(Not trying to jump the gun with Ilanthar's offer, but I had decided to give this a try before he had posted. Wanted to give it a try before I committed myself to it publicly )

Was feeling charitable so I had a stab at this this afternoon; if you like the style then I'll carry on with it.


I've never made a region map before (I generally put my hand to battle maps) so you'll have to bare with me. Added in most stuff, only thing I need to work on is the inking for the mountains and forests, etc. (never made a brush set so again it will be another new experience for me). I got the landmass as close as I could, probably a few extra islands here and there, but let me know if there are currently any major problems with missing/added features.

If you're happy then I'll start inking in the mountains, from there I think I'll need you to mark where you want the forests and stuff because it's quite hard to make out from the sketch (to the point where one or two of these rivers might have been forest outlines ). I'm happy to work with you a little on it for labeling, etc.

I'm still working on and tweaking the map (within reason given that this is a freebie ) but I'll try and make it look as professional as possible with the time I can allocate. Designing at 300ppi at approx 40x50cm print size (just roughly the size of your scan) but I can resize it for an A3 Print if preferred.