Okay that's a lot more info and very useful. Really nice sketches as well so it's obvious a lot of time and effort has already gone into these maps, which for me makes me more compelled to help someone who has already made such a big effort as opposed to someone turning up with no idea but wanting something for free. The edits you have asked for should be easy enough, the accuracy of the map.. well, we'll see. The method I used is a quick and easy generation of land and jagged edges, then cutting it more roughly to the shape of your land. If you're wanting it more accurate then it will take a lot more time potentially (that's not to say I'm not willing, but I think it then becomes a little more than I was expecting so might take longer).

I'll wait to see what Illanthar produces before continuing though, in case you prefer his style it doesn't make much sense me working on it if you're going to go another way. Again, really nice sketches though!